Dienstag, 25. September 2012

Wunderschoenes Irrland II

Focus Ireland

With the rotten weather we have been getting lately please spare a thought for those who are homeless. If you spot someone you suspect may be homeless please show them a smile or say a few kind words as a little act like this can help to show someone is thinking of them.

We are holding a conference tomorrow to try and inform and influence the coming revised homeless strategy. We hope to ensure that the government supports and funds the much need prevention services as more people are at risk due to the recession.

So sieht's aus in Irrland, ihr bloeden Matschbirnen aus Cork und dem Dumpfbackenforum! Aber Hauptsache der Golfstrom bleibt intakt und das Wetter mild ... gell Walkman? Das ist es doch was Du brauchst, hmmm? Das naechste Mal nimmst Du Deine Kriechtruppe mit nach Limerick. Dort laesst es sich wunderbar wandern ...

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