In Deutschland gibt es 1€ Jobs. In Irrland gibt es minimum wage (Mindestlohn) fuer 8.65€ die Stunde. Bedingt durch die Wirtschaftskrise versuchen immer mehr Privatbetriebe den Mindestlohn zu umgehen, indem sie Stellen fuer Praktikanten anbieten. So gesehen in einer Stellenauszeichnung bei JobBridge fuer einen Zeitungsladen in Ennis. 50€ die Woche fuer einen fulltime-job. Es wird noch daraufhin gewiesen, dass der Praktikant dieses Geld zusaetzlich zu seiner Sozialhilfe bekommt.
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Well I have just finished over 8 months of a 9 month internship at a nursing home. At the interview I was promised a full time job. 3 months it was stated to me that there was no budget for this job. I was travelling 30 miles a day to this work. I worked 30 hours a week. I held the floor many days on my own unsupervised. This was not supposed to happen I reported this to Job Bridge. They said they would send someone out to check . This never happened. I left for a part time paid job after over 8 months and I was left waiting 4 weeks for my Social Welfare allowance. I waited 5 weeks to get a reference from the organisation I was working for. This was after numerous phonecalls to their HR. So I know exactly how JobBridge is a Slave labour scheme. The organisation I left 6 weeks ago advertised 2 weeks after I left for another FAS Job Bridge intern. I rang fas and complained as the organisation must wait 6 months before applying again. Sad country.. I have Diploma and a Degree..
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