Montag, 22. Juli 2013


"No more lonely cold nights or hearing that I'm bad,
No more growling belly from the meals I never had.

No more scorching sunshine with a water bowl that's dry,
No more complaining neighbors about the noise when I cry.

No more hearing "shut up", "get down" or "get out of here"!
No more feeling disliked, only peace is in the air.

Euthanasia is a blessing, though some still can't see.
Why I was ever born, If I weren't meant to be.

My last day of living was the best I ever had.
Someone held me very close; I could see she was very sad.

I kissed the lady's face, and she hugged me as she cried.
I wagged my tail to thank her, and then I closed my eyes and died……"

The killing of millions of homeless animals in shelters is in direct conflict with the values of a morally advanced society, a society that in the XXI st century can no longer ignore that animals are intelligent beings with the capacity to feel and experience fear, pain, loneliness, in fact a broad spectrum of emotions and, therefore, individuals worthy of respect, protection and the right to their own lives.

DO NOT BUY PETS! If nobody bought and everyone adopted, nobody would breed pets, and eventually, no innocent pets would die. ADOPTION IS THE ONLY OPTION! Help us spread the message, join us! If you agree that animals feel, suffer, love and the truth about their abuse should be exposed, please “like” our page. Thank you!


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